Written by Tammy Adams
Many of us are finding ourselves answering an internal call to live from a higher state of consciousness; strive for a deeper awareness; question what we believe to be true; release limiting beliefs and habitual patterns, and step courageously into the unknown. Some are referring to this experience as The Great Awakening. This journey may have us questioning our own sanity because no one has ever talked to us about the darkness which can be part of the journey nor what to expect as we move forward. How DO we navigate the change and the resulting grief?
The awakening process is personal. It will be different for each of us. For most, there is an initial sense of discomfort, and a feeling life can no longer continue as it is. There is a prodding to go within, to stop seeking answers externally, to challenge everything once known to be true, and finally, to identify areas of healing.
A spiritual awakening implies a positive experience. However, as we pull away from everything, we know to be familiar with this journey can be one of the loneliest of human experiences. Every step may be excruciatingly painful as we release the old to welcome the new. This is grief.
A spiritual awakening is fraught with conflicting emotions including loneliness, empowerment, confusion, clarity, frustration, freedom, terror, and alienation. No one talks about the challenges of the awakening process, or the importance of resolving the unresolved emotions of loss: Both are essential to move forward.
Much like the caterpillar who sits and transforms while in a gooey, soupy material, we too must sit in the messy part of change. We may feel overwhelmed, liberated, hypersensitive, disappointed, calm, fear, lonely, connected, disconnected, and expansive. There may be changes in sleeping patterns and eating routines. There may even be a feeling of rebirth, as the old layers fall away and we step into a new way of being.
An awakening can feel as much like a curse as it does a blessing. This change, in what was familiar to us, can force our attention to the unresolved emotions which accompany change. We can become aware of incomplete emotions from previous losses, as well as the current losses demanding our attention.
A spiritual awakening can produce unique emotions brought about by a change in something which was familiar. Some, but not all, of the things we may experience are:
A realization the life we had once believed to be true no longer holds the same truth.
An internal battle as the mind fights to maintain the status quo.
A loss of family and friends as those closest to us no longer understand us.
A feeling we no longer have much in common with the people who surround us, creating feelings of isolation and vulnerability.
A loss of identity – of who we thought we were.
A loneliness which comes from the ridicule and shame received from outside sources.
A realization that conversations must be deep and stimulating and gossip and small talk are difficult to engage in.
A stronger bulls*#! meter, resulting in a lower tolerance for things which do not appear true.
A realization we no longer fit in.
A loss of innocence or ignorance and the status quo feels uneasy.
A feeling of disconnect with the world around us.
The emotional rollercoaster can be brutal. Being aware is only half the battle. Understanding we are not losing our mind helps.Knowing others will not understand makes the push back just a little easier.
By labelling our emotions and experiences we disarm them and take away some of their power. When we stand and face them we regain a feeling of control. As the emotional threads begin to untangle it is very important to seek the assistances of someone trained in supporting individuals through transition and grief – to gain tools to aid in navigating the changes and losses.
Finally, we need to create a balance between the darkest of rabbit holes while still functioning within the trials of daily life. To recognize when to share discoveries and when to keep them to ourselves.
As we travel this path something magical DOES begin to happen. We find our tribe. The people who step up and stand with us, understand us and fill the void. These people share our connection to purpose and to spirit.
Is all of this pain worth it? It is! If we are seeking an inner sense of peace and looking to embrace our intuition. This is a personal journey and one where there is no room for superiority or judgment. We learn how to be accountable for our own actions and to become disengaged without judgment – understanding and allowing others to find their own way in their own time. This is grief recovery!
About Tammy Adams
Tammy Adams, Certified Coach Practitioner offering support, in-person or online,Canada-wide.
She is certified in The Grief Recovery Method®, Personality Dimensions™, Reiki, Access Bars®, and Mindfulness.
To learn more about the services she offers, book a 20-minute free phone consult, or visit her service tab on her website at http://tadams.ca/
Meet Tammy at one of our monthly Wild About Wellness Events.
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