Written by Simone Usselman-Tod

Labour Day stands as an official holiday originating in Canada and the U.S. in 1894 and was considered a triumph for the union movement in the advancement of workers’ rights and in advocation for changes to improve the lives of working communities, the people and their families.

Today Labour Day remains one of the most popular holidays on the calendar as most people choose to celebrate the Monday of the last long weekend in the summer by enjoying an outdoor BBQ with friends and family. For some families, this holiday may also include resetting school calendars and embarking on back-to-school shopping. Labour Day marks the end of summer.

Labour Day weekend provides a reflection on the positive changes, learnings and growth throughout the summer months of July and August. Labour Day initiates a reset. This holiday in early September brings a change of weather and an opportunity to reassess our direction for the fall and consider the completion of projects for this calendar year. 

A crucial component of running a successful business motivated by passion and purpose includes taking time to celebrate! This holiday weekend I reflect on how grateful I am. I acknowledge the challenges I have experienced and overcome both personally and professionally. I focus on the wins and accomplishments that have been possible. I celebrate being surrounded by a very special and unique group of people in our Wild About Wellness Community. For you, I am truly grateful.

Reflections: This Labour Day Monday I sought out a quiet spot to reflect on what stood out most for me over the last 2 months.

I am so very grateful for the support of individuals in the Wild About Wellness Community and for finally launching the new Wild About Wellness website https://wildaboutwellness.ca. Special thanks to Marie Mushing and Gina Hedges for working tirelessly to make this new website a reality.  

We are pleased to boast that the new Wild About Wellness Website highlights our Community Leaders and lists upcoming events, and our speakers every month. We share blogs and invite others to join our community for a 1-month free membership trial, including attendance to 1 complimentary event. We have created consistent branding for Wild About Wellness and have started to increase our presence on social media. There is so much to celebrate!

Re-birthing this website has definitely been a process and I appreciate all the support received in making this new website available for the public. This new website invites people interested in holistic health and wellness to join our community!

Summer Highlights: 

I think the highlight for me this summer was hosting the Wild About Wellness Website Launch Party held on August 7th. All our Wild About Wellness Community members were invited for an outdoor gathering and celebration! It was a wonderful opportunity to see everyone together in person after 2 1/2 years of exclusive online activity. 

We celebrated with a beautiful gathering on a hot summer day, serving a buffet-style brunch and cold beverages under shaded tents. A slight breeze provided some relief from the intense summer sun as I acknowledged the blessings of being surrounded by some of the most amazing human beings on this planet. I took the opportunity to express my appreciation to our Wild About Wellness Community for all the support and contribution to the new website  https://wildaboutwellness.ca/.

Special Thanks: 

A huge thank you to Gina Hedges for organizing the food and preparation, support and planning of the celebration. What a gift you are! 

Alison Bastarache, thank you for powerfully opening sacred space for the event. 

Joy Seunarine, thank you for leading an absolutely beautiful guided meditation. 

Thank you to Sheilagh Mercer for sharing your stunning drums and, and everyone who contributed to raising the energy by drumming up the powerful energy of transformation. 

 Lois Lenarduzzi, thank you for providing the icebreaker interactive activity. Lots of revelations

It was wonderful to see everyone exercise their creativity as we added personalized leaves to the community tree on the Wild about Wellness Community board. With intention, we focused on both gratitude and our wishes for the future as a community. 

It was such a gift to spend time with everyone here on our land celebrating and sharing energies, the walks and swimming in our refreshing spring-fed pond.

Thank you everyone for showing up and sharing your energies, and contributing to a most amazing and memorable day!! I am forever grateful.

About Simone

Health and wellness for people and animals have always been Simone’s passion. Working in a conventional career in the medical field for 30 years, combined with the experience of working with clients in the field of holistic healing and natural health & wellness since 2004, provides Simone with a unique edge when working with her clients & an understanding of the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

As founder of the Wild About Wellness Community, Simone facilitates Wild about Wellness Community events online, promoting & supporting holistic health and wellness and providing health and wellness services for people, pets and animals. https://simoneusselmantod.com

Simone contributes to the Wild About Wellness Community online where members passionate about holistic health and wellness come together to share information, educate and contribute for the purpose of learning and growing. You are invited to explore the site with a free 1-month membership. Get your 1-month free membership HERE