Written by Joy Seunarine
2003. My kitten, Abby, less than a year old. never came home. It was July and my family were on vacation. In September 2004, I hosted a neighborhood potluck on my driveway. The children played, the adults conversed, as we all broke bread together. About an hour into socializing , my Neighbor pulled up in front of my driveway. “I think I have your cat!”. Sure enough, Abby was in his back seat. We put her in her carrier with her blanket. One of the young boys sat by her side for the rest of the evening. 14 months later, she had returned to us.
If our family was not on this neighbors mind, would he have made the association of the cat he saw in the mall with us?
The power of community. Community building has always been an essential part of my nature. I foster a sense of belonging wherever I work, where I worship and in the groups to which I belong. In community we can lean on each other drawing support and strength in difficult times.
My dear Mom, Cynthia has lived with dementia for five or six years. There’s been a change in her health after 5 falls in 7 weeks. For the last five days my siblings, pictured above, have taken turns sitting vigil with her. Each of the three of us living here has a wonderful collection of friends, colleagues and family. From these connections, I feel supported by messages of love, information about the dying process and prayers for Cynthia and for her children.
That is the value of community. Please share an experience of community support you’ve received.
I run monthly groups, Essential Connections Circle. A chance to share concerns, connect with your body, tune into your bodies signals and feel supported by the group.
About Joy: